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Design a onboarding portal that can allow candidates to register through various sector specific, multi step forms. Ensure the data is validated and that the candidate can upload documents quickly and easily from their desktop or mobile device.
Design a onboarding portal that can allow candidates to register through various sector specific, multi step forms. Ensure the data is validated and that the candidate can upload documents quickly and easily from their desktop or mobile device.
CCD designed a fast, simple experience that makes complex questionnaire's to onboard a candidate very straight forward. The candidate is updated with overall form progress, and Coyle as the recruiter, and jump in and help the candidate if required. Forms can have many different data types, including NI numbers, mobile, email and advanced conditional logic. The portal integrates with BI Power providing instant reporting and also captures marketing attribution to show exactly how the candidate was obtained and what the cost was.
Coyle rolled out the application portal to all group companies and divisions, completely digitising the registration of their candidates. This allows the candidates to self serve, provides better visiability over marketing spend and candidate progress, and vastly reduces the amount of time needed to onboard a candidate.